
The sun paints the leaves

a crisp lime

a deep forest green

and all the others in between


the thoughts, feelings, and emotions

that bubble their way up to the conscious mind

at dusk

when the world seems a little peaceful

a little quiet

or maybe a little melancholy

like us humans are all taking a break from the chaos of the day

sitting on the couch

reflecting on our lives:

was this really necessary?

did I make good decisions this week?

what are my plans for tomorrow?

and the inevitable…

what does my future hold

Often I think,

what is the point of my life?

with God at the forefront of my life,

with Jesus at the role model

how do I integrate the Bible’s teachigs

with the way I live my life?

How do I reconcile the physical with the spiritual

I think maybe I think too much,

but then….I remember,

God created our minds,

created our brains

and gave us the ability to create thoughts

Wow, what an amazing ability and freedom we have

….with much responsibility…

and then I get to thinking some more…

I’m not sure I am cut out for this whole “life” business

let alone learning how to become an adult.

Often times I still feel like I am playing grown-up,

even though I am 25

In the interim of young adult-hood and actual crossing the line of being an adult..

what a weird place to be

always in limbo in some way or another….


all I can do really is to keep on pressing on

and keep Jesus as my focus.

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